We always seem to have bread that goes stale before we get around to eating it. Truthfully, often I misjudge and over buy - you never can tell who is going to be having a growth spurt and eating more from week to week in our house. Or if I am not feeling up to cooking, it is always spaghetti on toast for tea, or soup and toast, or french toast, or toasted sandwiches.... you get the picture; then we go through it like, well, a family of growing kids.... My breadmaker went to the appliance store in the sky some time back, and I have never had the room (or spare cash, for that matter) to replace it, so you
organised ladies out there (and I can only imagine what that is like) may not have this problem. And home made bread is usually far too delicious not to woof down on the day it is made, hence leftovers are rarely a problem; but the store bought stuff can be seriously improved with a few eggs and some milk - no?
I don't actually follow a recipe for this. I hope you can cope with that! I don't use a recipe for a few things, which means I always have to make them. I will say that when I was sick once, the MOTH decided to make french toast - a firm favourite that we are guaranteed the kids will eat - you know those nights when you have to pick your battles? But because I don't follow a recipe, per se.... he took it upon himself to determine the correct egg-to-milk ratio per slice(s) and exactly how long each side requires for maximum crispness etc. I am very impressed. Now he make all the french toast in the house, because he does, in fact, make it best! But being from the Blessed South Land (Australia, not to be confused with Godzone, NZ ,but I will argue Australia is pretty freakin' awesome - better leave this point alone now - that's what you get when you marry cross-culturally!) he puts - let me pause for effect - tomato sauce on it.... And, strange as it may seem, I figure it has got to be better for the kids than lashings of cinnamon sugar or mayple syrup, so I let them go for it. Look at me funny, but we all have our quirks. Don't we? (Although
I won't eat it with tomato sauce - don't tell the kids!)
And I called it 'Not Your Grandma's Bread and Butter Pudding', because I don't think my grandma would have been too impressed; too rustic (?), not enough sultanas or nutmeg.... *shiver*!
All that to say, I'll tell you my best guesstimates, and release you into the kitchen....
Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding
Bread - the older the better
Brown sugar
Chocolate chips
Heat the oven to 180C. Lightly grease a baking dish - depending on how many portions you want. I always have to use the biggest in the house - which is why I don't bother with a bain marie!
Butter the bread on both sides (I use an olive based spread - slightly healthier choice?) and spread lightly with nutella - like you are making a nutella club sandwich - about a foot high! I made this for brunch today, and used one and a half loaves to feed 5 people. (Did I mention the kids love it?) It's up to you to figure out how much bread you may want to use. Likewise, I used eight eggs today (buying in bulk!) because truth be told I wasn't really paying attention.... I made it up to 4 cups with milk, which was more than I needed too.... brain still in bed... I am assuming here that you have made french toast or bread and butter pudding before, or at least an omelette, and have some idea of how baking eggs and milk works.... you might want to have a google for B&B Pudding if you don't - sorry!
Slice the sandwiches into 4 triangles - ie: twice diagonally, and place in the dish. Beat together the eggs and milk and pour over the arranged bread. Sprinkle with brown sugar and chocolate chips. Bake for 20 minutes and check the egg is setting. You may have to cover with tin foil if it is browning too quickly- my oven is very uneven and I have to keep checking. It helps also if you have the oven on 'bake', not 'grill'... My pie last week was a little unusual. But that is another post.
It is done when it is browned to your liking, the bread seems 'puffier' and no liquid runs if you tilt the dish to it's side.
Serve hot on it's own, with yoghurt, or if you are feeling up to it, vanilla ice cream.